Most of us don’t consider a breakup to be a good way to learn about love. For Autumn Reeser, though, her divorce taught her a lot about relationships. On the “Some Kind of Mystic” podcast, Reeser said that, in counseling after her divorce, her therapist helped her realize she had a right to voice her needs. The actor said her therapist had to convince her that “You’re allowed to speak up about what you want, and you’re allowed to change your mind.”
“Looking back, there were so many things that I would have liked to see be different that I was afraid to speak to and I wasn’t sure if I had the right to feel what I felt, what I wanted. I didn’t trust myself,” Reeser added. “And now I look back and I’m like, ‘That is just a normal, healthy relationship that you’re asking for.'”
Reeser hopes she can pass on what she’s learned about love and respect to her two young sons. She told Style Girlfriend that her advice to them is to “Listen to each other, talk to each other and learn to disagree without name-calling or diminishing the other person.” She explained, “Nobody gets along all the time, so the way you treat each other in times of anger and stress is incredibly important. I try really hard to model this for my boys, especially when I’m angry or tired myself. I consider the effort it takes to be an investment in our relationship.”
Post source: The List